5 Ways to Tell If Your Child Has Vision Problems


Vision is a critical factor in a child's development. Good eyesight plays an essential role in learning, social interaction, and overall quality of life. However, children may not always communicate vision problems, either because they don't recognize them or can't articulate them. If untreated, these issues can affect academic performance and social skills. So [...]

5 Ways to Tell If Your Child Has Vision Problems2024-03-07T22:52:38+00:00

Get 30% OFF Your Second Pair Of Prescription Glasses or Sunglasses at Johns Creek Eyecare


Have you ever thought about the benefits of having more than one pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses? If the idea has crossed your mind, now is the perfect time to make it a reality! At Johns Creek Eyecare, we're making this decision even easier for you with a limited-time offer: receive 30% off [...]

Get 30% OFF Your Second Pair Of Prescription Glasses or Sunglasses at Johns Creek Eyecare2024-03-07T22:52:45+00:00

5 Reasons to Get Your Eyes Checked Before School Starts


As summer draws to a close and the back-to-school season approaches, parents and students alike are preparing for a smooth transition into the new academic year. Amidst the hustle and bustle of shopping for school supplies and new clothes, there's one crucial aspect of preparation that should not be overlooked – a comprehensive eye [...]

5 Reasons to Get Your Eyes Checked Before School Starts2024-03-07T22:52:52+00:00

Ultraviolet Safety Month: How Sunglasses Protect Your Eyes


Johns Creek Eyecare prioritizes your eye health and well-being. As summer approaches its peak, we find ourselves in the midst of Ultraviolet Safety Month—a time dedicated to raising awareness about the potential harm of ultraviolet (UV) rays on our eyes. Keep reading to learn the importance of wearing sunglasses as a vital tool for [...]

Ultraviolet Safety Month: How Sunglasses Protect Your Eyes2024-03-07T22:52:58+00:00

Allergies Affecting Your Eyes? Johns Creek Eyecare Can Help


As the seasons change, many individuals find themselves battling with annoying allergy symptoms. While most people associate allergies with sneezing, coughing, and nasal congestion, it's important to understand that these allergic reactions can also have a significant impact on your eyes. Keep reading to learn how allergies affect your eyes and discuss the importance [...]

Allergies Affecting Your Eyes? Johns Creek Eyecare Can Help2023-06-07T22:17:45+00:00

How Allergies Affect Your Eyes


What Causes Allergies? Allergies occur when an allergen - like pollen, dust mites, or pet dander - gets trapped in the body’s mucous membranes. When this happens, the body releases certain chemicals like histamines as a defense mechanism against these foreign particles and as a result, causes many of the common allergy symptoms including [...]

How Allergies Affect Your Eyes2023-03-31T23:36:22+00:00

Why Spending Time Outdoors Is Good For Your Vision


Studies indicate that spending ample time outdoors can significantly reduce the advancement of myopia in children and even decrease their risk of new-onset by half. Unfortunately, many kids primarily focus on close-up activities indoors including reading or using electronic devices, thus depriving their eyes of the essential natural light necessary for correct development. Stepping [...]

Why Spending Time Outdoors Is Good For Your Vision2023-03-08T03:48:12+00:00

When Should My Kids Start Seeing an Eye Doctor?


When Should My Kids Start Seeing an Eye Doctor? According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), infants should have their first comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist at six months of age. Many optometrists recommend an exam between birth and two years old, if vision impairment is a hereditary concern or if symptoms persist. [...]

When Should My Kids Start Seeing an Eye Doctor?2023-02-16T23:04:16+00:00

Importance of Wearing Sunglasses in Winter Time


There are 141 days left until summer, do you really need to wear sunglasses until then? The answer is yes! While the name ‘sunglasses’ makes us think of sunny, summer days, it is crucial to wear sunglasses, even during winter months. In addition to protecting against the sun, glasses with UV Protection help reduce winter [...]

Importance of Wearing Sunglasses in Winter Time2023-02-03T17:57:52+00:00

Everything You Need to Know About Eye Dilations


If you have an upcoming eye doctor appointment, you may be wondering why you need your eyes dilated. Eye dilation is a common procedure that is used to help diagnose and treat various eye conditions. Here's everything you need to know about eye dilations! What does eye dilation do? Eye dilation exams are a type [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Eye Dilations2022-09-06T18:34:02+00:00