What Is A Comprehensive Eye Exam?

At Johns Creek Eyecare, we proudly offer Comprehensive Eye Exams to our many valued patients. We recommend a Comprehensive Eye Exam (CEE) once every 12 months. This exam includes:
1. Determination of your Refractive Status.
2. Check Binocular Vision (Eye Teaming Ability).
3. General Ocular Health.
4. Rule out Ocular diseases and disorders.
5. We offer and strongly recommend a Retinal Wellness Screening annually. This screening is composed of a color digital image and a retinal scan (Ocular Coherence Tomography).
Dilation is recommended and will cause a decrease in vision (near > distance) and light sensitivity for about 4-6 hours. Most patients are fine to drive but caution should be taken. If uncomfortable driving, we recommend patients schedule a driver or reschedule the dilation.
A Comprehensive Eye Exam usually takes about an hour to complete and is generally covered by most vision plans. At Johns Creek Eyecare, we provide both vision and medical eye care and accept both vision and medical insurance.
Call us today at 678-393-9445 to set up an appointment!
Monday-Thursday | 9:00am – 5:00pm |
Friday | 9:00am – 2:00pm |
Saturday-Sunday | CLOSED |